Thursday, September 27, 2012

President and Vice-President Barrow...

 Dear President and Vice-President Barrow,
Geez, I like the sound of that. It has a nice ring to it!
A few weeks back, the US Senator for the State of Nevada, Mr. Harry Reid placed his stamp of approval on your heads. It was a neat experience. But, your run-in's with political heavyweights didn't end there.
Nope! It was just the beginning.
Your mom is pretty spectacular. She is a special lady! When she sent out your birth announcements, she sent one off to the White House.
She included a special note on the back of the announcement to President Obama and the First Lady. The note said that you guys would be the "future President and Vice-President of the United States."
After she completed the note, she placed an American flag stamp on an envelope addressed to the Honorable President of the United States at the White House in Washington D.C. With that, it was sent off to the Commander and Chief.
Not long after it was sent, we received a "Congratulations" letter embossed at the White House with a special note welcoming your arrival to the world. What a cool thing to have! A letter with the signature of the President of the United States of America.

Thank you President Obama!
Boys, every year, we can send a birthday card to the White House and collect a postcard from each President.
I love you guys.

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