Hold on! Wait!
Last time, no one called me CPS. Maybe, we just got lucky though. It is still imperative that this message self destruct after being read. Just like before, I really shouldn't show these things to the public, but I feel you should know about your childhood.
Your mother is an amazing woman. She is an incredible mother. It takes a special person to raise twins. In all the chaos, she will, on occasion, lose it. The following images may be disturbing, and I am not proud of the pictures.
The following 12 images are things that we should never speak of again. I'll try to get your mother to stop, but I cannot make any promises. If you want to relive the other things that we agreed to never speak of, you can go here:
Here we go...round #2 of things Mommy does.
Mommy will...
#1: Make you look like a hipster...
#2: Make you be a superhero that wears his pants on his head...
#3: Make you dress up like lil' turkeys for Thanksgiving...
#4: Make you perform daily as her own person Court Jester...
#5: Make you into a world-class synchronized swimmer by making you wear diapers on your head...
#6: Make you sport flaming dice tats on your chest...
#7: Dress you up and make you look like you are part of a 90's boy band...
#8: Make you wear a BumbleBee mask, so she can pretend your stroller is a Transformer...
#9: Make you pause it with three seconds left in your game to eat some squash...
#10: Do This...
Just like before...your mother is very creative in her daily activities. Being cooped up with you two has brought her so much joy but also made her a little bit more crazy.
Sorry CPS!
I love you!
The last pics kind of look like their parents!