Thursday, March 15, 2012

Furry Friends...

Dear Boston and Braxton,

"He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds; my other ears that hear above the winds. He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea. He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason for being; by the way he rests against my leg; by the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile; by the way he shows his hurt when I leave without taking him. (I think it makes him sick with worry when he is not along to care for me.) When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive. When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile. When I am happy, he is joy unbounded. When I am a fool, he ignores it. When I succeed, he brags. Without him, I am only another man. With him, I am all-powerful. He is loyalty itself. He has taught me the meaning of devotion. With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace. He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant. His head on my knee can heal my human hurts. His presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and unknown things. He has promised to wait for me... whenever... wherever - in case I need him. And I expect I will - as I always have. He is just my dog."
- Gene Hill

That is one of my favorite quotes. It reminds me of all the furry friends that I have had in my life. Zach, Carlee, Kip, Saydee, Ziggy, Marley, and Minnie (Mouse) have all touched my life. Carlee and Ziggy both saved my life...literally...something I will tell you boys about when you are a little older. To me, there are not many things better than the unconditional love of a furry little friend. Like the quote says, my dogs have always been there for me. They have comforted me when I was sad or sick. They have always forgiven me. And, they have always thought the best of me.

When you two arrive, you will have two furry friends waiting for you. They both already guard your room on a regular basis. Minnie has been caught sleeping under your cribs and Marley loves to lay in your doorway. He is always standing watch. I bet he will sleep in your room every night as soon as you boys are home.

Marley is a Harrier Hound. He is going to be 10 years old in November. But, he is young at heart and sounds like a seal when he gets excited. He loves to play and to snuggle. And, in his old age, he has become patient. He lets Mouse bite his ears, his paws, and his neck. When you boys are crawling around, he will let you pull his tail and his ears. He will let you crawl all over him. And, everytime you see him, he will wag his tail and give you a kiss. And, sometimes, he will help you get into trouble.

Lately, Marley has been snuggling with mommy all the time. Since she has been pregnant with you guys, he has been by Mommy more than ever. He loves to sniff her belly and snuggle close to his baby brothers.

Minnie, or Mouse, or Tiny, or Privits...whatever you want to call a little DIVA. She is a 2 year old Cheweenie. When we got her, she only weighed 2 pounds. Now, fully grown, she is a whole 7 pounds. She is full of fury at times, but she loves to play, to snuggle, and to be naughty. She is a funny little dog that will lick you to death and play with you until she passes out.

She, like her brother, has taken to snuggling with her little brothers as often as she can. She likes to lay on Mommy's belly, so if you ever felt a little squished inside Mommy's you know why. Tiny was laying on your head!

And, even though I drive her crazy when we play Lion King, she is still a good little girl that loves to play.

Just like you two will be best friends, so are Marley and Minnie. And, they are eagerly awaiting your arrival.

Being part of the Barrow family, you will learn to love dogs. Everyone in our family loves dogs. Most of us have at least one. And, they are part of our family. You two are lucky to have two furry friends that will love you from the we hope.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Boston and Braxton,

    This is a true "Barrow" post. Congratulations.... as "Barrow Boys" you have been blessed to have the DNA to love dogs. Your Papi has passed that gene on to all of our kids and grandkids. He loves all animals but particularly "man's best friend". I think most of the Barrow family members subscribe to:

    "The more people I meet the more I like my DOG".

    I love you boys!

    Your Nana
