Wednesday, December 07, 2011

The Dad I Wanna Be...

Dear Baby Barrow,

Throughout my life, there has been one person that I have strived to be like. And, while I have a VERY long way to go, I still strive everyday to be like him. He is the one person who has always been there for me. Through thick and thin, good and bad, happiness and depression; he has always loved me unconditionally. He has always been there with a should to cry on. He has always lent an ear to listen. And, even at 3 a.m., he is willing to share some of his much needed wisdom with me if I call upon him.

I was blessed with the greatest dad in the world. He is the one I strive to be like. He is the one who has taught me much of what I know. And, even though he gave me the receding hairline and helped me realize my destiny of being bald at the age of 22, he is still one of a kind. I inherited the head shake and, if you are lucky, maybe the finger poke from him. He has helped mold and shape your daddy into the person he is today. Without him, your daddy would be lost. So, when I am asked about the dad I wanna be, I do not have to look very far because I have known the answer for a very long time. If I can even be half the dad to you that my dad was to me then I will feel like I have been successful. He has shown me the man I need to be and he continues to show me the type of husband and father I need to be.

Your Papi is a special man and someone you will learn a lot from. And, one day, I hope to make both Papi and you proud.

And, if I am anything like him, I know I will make you proud because I am proud to call him my dad.

I love you.

Love Daddy


  1. You are so blessed to have the Daddy you do. He already loves you more than you could ever know.

  2. Oh my gosh! I read this whole blog! Ummm I love this Justin! Your baby is going to be sooo lucky to have you two as parents. Really he or she is and I can't wait for the day when you baby comes! Lucky child! I love you two! Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. Well this is PAPI! You have a very good Daddy! It was easy to be a good dad to him because he was and is a very good guy. We have a unique bond and can talk about anything. I love that about him. I am anxiously awaiting your arrival. What will make me PROUD is watching your daddy hold and love you!

  4. Baby Barrow,

    You have a wonderful daddy but you also have a wonderful Papi. He is honest, loving, kind and wise. He has been wonderful to me and I love him very much. He loves and will do anything for you. We are all very lucky to have him in our lives.

