Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Moments of Reflection...

This week has been a tragic for thousands upon thousands of people. Lives were forever altered this week. Lives were lost. People were taken far too soon. As I sit and watch my baby boys sleep, I am still reminded of the good this world possesses. While so much tragedy and hardship surround us as human beings, we cannot forget the glorious blessings of life, love and family. Those who lost a piece of one of those glorious blessings are in our thoughts and prayers. I, like the rest of you, cannot even begin to comprehend these tragedies. That fact restores a little of my faith in humanity. If we were able to understand these horrific events, it would not bode well for the future of our species. The fact that these events bring tears to our eyes, break our fragile hearts and make us ponder our very existence reaffirms to me the goodness in the hearts of human beings. These past few nights, I have thought a lot about the tragedy in Boston. As I have held my wife and snuggled with my babies, I pondered so many questions. Tonight, as news of the West, Texas tragedy hit the news feeds, I did the same thing. I held my family close and pondered these tragedies. I share with you my moments of reflection. Peace and love to all of you.

Do not let the senseless actions of a deranged person or group of persons make you question humanity. While many horrible things happen in this world, the majority of people are caring, loving and giving people. Humanity is inherently good. Good will always prevail over evil. Love will always overcome hate. You have to look no further than our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who overcame death and... the most powerful evil to have everlasting life. In the beautiful words of Izumi Shikibu, “Even when a river of tears courses through this body, the flame of love cannot be quenched.” The true love that resides in the hearts of humanity will continually change the world for the better. That is an undeniable certainty. Prayers and love for Boston and all those affected by this tragedy.

It is times like these that people's faith is tested. It has been a disheartening week, and tonight's news will, without a doubt, add to the fear, uncertainty and sadness of people around the nation. In the words of Coach K, "There is a destination beyond the devastation". For me, sitting here, that is much easier typed than actually realized. For those suffering, it is a much more difficult task see the destination beyond. But, it is there. At all times, we should remain vigilant in our love and service of our fellow human beings. But, in times like these, it is more important than ever. Prayers, positive thoughts, and assistance are needed for people suffering from these horrific tragedies. I cannot even begin to comprehend the hardships that many are facing. Still, I (we) mourn with them.

While many of us cannot do nearly as much as we would like, we can each do a little. Share a prayer with a loved one. Think of those in need. Help someone in your own neighborhood. Be kind. Be loving. In the words of Henri Frederic Amiel, “Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.” Or as Ellen Degeneres would say "Be kind to one another."

As Boston, Massachusetts, it's surrounding area, and people around the world mourn and start the road to recovery...I challenge each of you (and myself) to go out of your way to help someone in need. You may not be able to help someone directly affected by the tragedy there, but you can help someone in your area. The tragedy in West, Texas is also just beginning to unfold. The devastation and heartbreak will be overwhelming. Again, I urge each of you (and myself) to go out of your way to help someone in need. Lets remind people that human beings are good. Let's remind the world that people care. Let's remind the world that love will always overcome despair and hardship.

In the words of Rumi "You have within you more love than you could ever understand." Lets make it our goal to share love and try to find out just how much is there.


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