Friday, June 29, 2012

17 Days Old...

Dear Boston & Braxton,

It is hard to believe that you guys are already 17 days old. Most people would say "Oh my gosh, it is going so fast". Not me though. Your Uncle B spent more time playing Modern Warfare 2 online. Your Mom has spent that many hours jazzercising and listening to the horror that is Judi. Don't worry, you will experience the horror one day. Uncle JoJo has had a 5 Guys Burger wrapped in foil in his car for longer. Heck, I have been wearing the same pair of underwear longer. Wait a minute...

Hey, don't judge me. I have twins.
The past two and half weeks have all been a blur of chaos filled with spit up, urine, and poop. However, I  have loved every minute of it. But, maybe that's due to the sleep deprivation. Whatever it is...I like it.

Today, you two went to the pediatrician's office for a check-up and a procedure. We will not go into the procedure to save you embarrassment and emotional scarring when future girlfriends read this. But, it was a big deal.

We were pleased when the doctor told us how much you both had grown. Boston is up to 6 pounds and 6 ounces. When we left the hospital, Boston was only 5 pounds and 2 ounces. Braxton is tipping the scales at 7 pounds and 7 ounces. Braxton left the hospital at 6 pounds and 4 ounces. Both of you boys have grown so much already. We are so happy that you both continue to be big and healthy.

Love you guys!


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