Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Life Began Today...

Dear Boston & Braxton,

Today was the greatest day of my life. I never knew the extent of joy and love that I could feel until today. I never knew life could be so sweet. My life completely changed today. I witnessed Heaven on Earth. And, I saw God today.

This post will be a jumble of emotion that may not be well put together. I am riding on cloud nine, and I am not sure how to express it. I do not really have the words to express the happiness, love, and gratitude that I am feeling at this time.

Words will be hard to come by as I share today's events, but I will do my best. Let me start by saying, I love you guys so very much. I love you two and your mother more than I could ever imagine. And, hopefully, this labor of love will come across that way.


I didn't sleep more than a couple winks. I found myself starring at the clock as it slowly ticked. Seconds seemed like minutes, minutes seemed like hours...

The clock showed 3:07 a.m. The time was moving far too slow. I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. But, this time I knew the present was going to be the best one yet. Next to me, your beautiful mother had finally fallen asleep. She is so excited for today. And, in less than 2 hours, we will be preparing to leave for the hospital.


We left for the hospital at 5:00 a.m. As we were driving in, I looked at your mom and asked her how she felt. She was overjoyed with excitement, but I could sense a tinge of nerves in her voice. We talked about how this was the LAST car ride that we would take with just the two of us for quite some time. For the foreseeable future, we will no longer be traveling with just the two of us. We talked about how on our next ride together there would be four of us in the car. It was a crazy thought.

When we arrived at the hospital, there was a nervous tension in the air. But, it was filled with excitement. The time had come. We had waited for this for so long, and it was finally here. As we sat in triage awaiting our instructions, we talked about how our lives were about to change. Your mother sat bravely awaiting her turn. She looked as beautiful as ever even though it was 5:50 in the morning.

Her smile today was the biggest I have ever seen. But, I bet each day you guys are here her smile will grow.

As the time came for mommy to be wheeled to the operating room approached, my heart began to pound. I was very excited, but I was also super nervous. I was worried about the safety of your mom. I was worried about the health of you two. It was about to be the most nerve racking and exciting day of my life.

It really hit me when the nurse told me to get ready to go and get dressed in my scrubs. For a few minutes, I got to pretend that I was Dr. Barrow. That's right...a real live doctor.
They wheeled your mom into the operating room, and I had to stand out in the hallway. They had to give your mom her epidural. To do this, the doctor has to stick a very large needle in her back. This is a spinal block that makes so she won't be able to feel the surgery she is going to have. I paced the hallway. As I did, all I could think was how all I cared about was that you boys and your mom were healthy. I have posted it before, but the song "All I Ask For Anymore" by Trace Adkins kept playing in my head.
I kept praying to our Heavenly Father that everything would go well. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity. When I went into the OR, tears filled my eyes as I say mommy laying on the table. I was nervous but excited at the same time. The time had finally come.
I sat next to your mom and spoke to her as they started her C-Section. I just talked to her about how much fun we were going to have with you guys. Before I knew it, the doctor told me to stand up. Now, anyone who knows your dad knows that I am a wimp when it comes to blood, needles, etc. Initially, when we found out mommy was pregnant, we weren't even sure if I would be able to be in the room for your birth. Anyways, I stood up and looked over the curtain just in time to see Braxton being pulled out of mommy's tummy.
Tears filled my eyes as I watched Braxton coming into the world. He was screaming and peeing everywhere. It was pretty awesome. I couldn't believe my first child was being born right before my eyes. As I watched Braxton in awe, I was tapped on the shoulder by the doctor. In an instant Boston was being pulled out, just a minute behind his brother. In less than two minutes, I had two sons. My boys were finally here.
I was able to cut both of your umbilical cords. And, the nurses finished cleaning you guys off. You were both screaming uncontrollable. The nurses moved you guys close together so we could take a picture. As you two were placed close to each other, Braxton reached up and grabbed Boston's hand. As he did, you both stopped crying and a peaceful aura filled the room. Tears filled every one's eyes and nurses went crazy as the silent room was in awe.

It was a moment that I will never forget. For everyone in that room, it was a moment for a lifetime. Two babies...fresh from heaven...peaceful holding hands.

We be sideways...

Then, one by one...each of you were brought to the side of your amazing, beautiful mother.
First was Braxton. I watched as your mommy's eyes filled with tears and she shared the biggest smile that I have ever seen,
Then, Boston was placed by her side. And, her tear filled eyes showed more happiness than I have ever seen. She had her two boys! Finally!

And, with that, I was whisked out of the room with my boys. I gave mommy a kiss, told her how amazing she ism and that I loved her...then I was off with our new bundles of joy.
Braxton, Boston, and I were moved to the wellness center where a nurse and I measured you guys. It was an awesome experience.
Braxton was born at 7:43 a.m.. You weighed 6 pounds, 15.5 ounces and were 19 inches long. You were a healthy baby. Incredible!
Boston was born at 7:44 a.m.. You weighed 5 pounds, 10.5 ounces and were 17 inches long. While a little smaller, Boston...you too were healthy.
We finally had our family. Two happy healthy boys that we had waited so long for.
We feel so blessed to have the two of you in our lives. It is incredible to know that Heavenly Father sent us two of his most precious angels. It is amazing to think that we have been entrusted with such wonderful responsibility. And, we cannot wait for the journey to begin.

Your mother has done an amazing job. I am indebted to her once again for the joy that she has brought to my life. She has sacrificed so much for all of us. She has given us our family.
She is the toughest, most beautiful, and amazing woman that I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
I love her with all my heart and we are all lucky to have here.
I have no words for the love and joy that I felt in those moments. It is a joy that one must feel on their own to truly know what I am talking about. Now, I know what my dad felt when I was born and the joy he felt. And, one day, I hope you experience the same joy as a son or daughter is born to you.

A man doesn't really know joy until he witnesses the birth of his own children. As of today at 7:44 a.m., I know what true love, amazing happiness, and pure gratitude is. As of 7:44 a.m., my life truly began. And, I wouldn't have it any other way.
I cannot wait to be your dad. I cannot wait to see you with your mom. I cannot wait to watch you two grow into the amazing men I know you will become.
My life began today...

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