Saturday, February 25, 2012

Be Clean and Be True...

Dear Boston & Braxton,

This world is a wonderful place. It is full of beautiful things that God has created for us to enjoy. God placed us on his beautiful Earth. He gave us bodies. He gave us life. And, he gave us this world to call our "home". With all these gifts, he also gave us free agency. He gave each of us the ability to make our own choices. We knew we would may mistakes, and he planned for that. We have ways to fix those mistakes. It isn't always easy, but it is possible.

With just under 7 BILLION people living on the Earth, the world has changed so much in a short time. While the world is a beautiful place, there are many out there that defile. There is a lot of filth out there that can ruin in your lives. As you get older, you will understand just what I mean. It is important for you boys to stay clean. As you grow, you will learn right from wrong. You will have your agency and, at times, you will be tempted to make the wrong choices. In those times, I would urge you to think of your loving mother. If you are like me, you never want to disappoint your mother. If you always think of her when you are tempted to do wrong, I am sure you will make the right chose and refrain from temptation. It is not always easy. You will be tempted on a daily basis. Be strong. Remain close to your family, your Savior, and your Heavenly Father. They will help you make the right decision.

Be Clean.

You will not regret it.

As you get older and go to school, the temptation and peer pressure will grow. People will try to tempt you to cheat in school, partake of alcohol and drugs, use profane language, and lie. I urge you to find friends that will be a positive influence in your life. If you have good, strong friends that share your convictions, things will be easier. Temptation will still arise, but it will be easier to withstand if you hold each other accountable.

Be True.

One of the most famous lines ever written states, "To thine own self be true...". One of the most prolific and talented man to ever grace this Earth wrote that. His name was William Shakespeare. It is so important to be true to yourself. Know who you are, what you stand for...and stick to it. Sometimes, it may be difficult or uncomfortable, but be true to yourself.

One of my favorite movies is called "Renaissance Man". And, in this movie, they focus on being true to yourself. Whenever I think about being true or hear Shakespeare's quote, I am reminded of the scene below. It is a good lesson and a good laugh.

"This above all to thine own self be true." In this movie, a group of misfit soldiers eventually learns to be true to each other and themselves.

Be True. You will not regret it.

I remember in high school facing a lot of peer pressure from friends that I played sports with. They often would want me to go "party" with them. I knew at these parties there was often alcohol and drugs. While I never had a desire to partake of these things and felt like I would refrain if I attended the party with them; I always chose to just simply not go. Throughout high school, I can honestly say that I was invited to hundreds of parties...and...I never attended one that I knew would have alcohol. I was the captain of three sports teams, won multiple state championships, was in student council, National Honor Society, and Letterman's Club. I was on the Homecoming Court my sophomore and senior years. I was the Homecoming King.

I tell you this not to boast. I tell you this to show you that you can be successful, semi-popular, and have good friends and still stick to your beliefs. I never attended a party with alcohol. I went to a couple parties thrown by friends and left immediately upon the serving of alcohol. It was something that I didn't want to be a part of. That was a conviction that I stuck firmly to. I am PROUD to say to this day...I have never partook of alcohol, tobacco, or any drugs. I still had plenty of friends. I was still popular at school. I always had something to do on Friday night. I wasn't sitting at home with my head buried in A Book of Mormon every Friday night. Although, sometimes, I wish it was. There is nothing wrong with having your head buried in A Book of Mormon on Friday night either. It is a good thing. But, it is also a good thing to make friends, grow relationships, and stay strong.

One of my favorite musical artists is Ziggy Marley. He wrote and sung a song titled, "True to Myself".

Follow his words. Be true to yourself. If you don't "it keeps killing you little by little". So, stay true. People will respect you for it. And, you will never regret it.

And, while you are at it, you will make everyone proud. You will make your mom proud. And, you will most definitely make your dad proud.

Be clean and be true. I love you!


1 comment:

  1. Boys,

    I can't give you any better advice than this. I can tell you to follow these examples and you will never go wrong. Always CTR ~ Choose the Right. Remember you are responsible for your own actions noone else can make you choose to do wrong.

    The world is a hard place and is getting harder but we are told to be of good cheer and not to fear. Good will prevail over evil. Be on the good guys team.

    As your Papi would say "Do what you know to be right". Always remember "You are a child of God". You are blessed with goodly parents, follow their examples.

    I love you, Nana
